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A WebQuest for advanced Spanish students.

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Between 1976-1983, during the "dirty war" in Argentina, around 30,000 citizens disappeared  without a trace.

The people who were "disappeared" were individuals, each with his own history, dreams and hopes. In order to become familiar with some of the disappeared, visit The Wall of Memory.

25 years have passed since the end of "the dirty war" and the disappearance of so many Argentine citizens. Friends, parents and children of the disappeared still love them, remember them and demand the truth and justice that they deserve.

It is important to recognize the disappeared with the minimum homage of memory because "Those that can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (George Santayana).

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You are members of a committee that will form a proposal for the design and creation of a memorial and the dedication for the victims who disappeared and their families and friends.

You must decide what type of memorial to build,  where to build it, which written dedication would be appropriate for the memorial, and when  the dedication ceremony should be and which  three important guests should speak at the ceremony.


  1. Before beginning your individual task, read a little more about the events of the time of the "dirty war" in Argentina and read the proposal for a memorial for the victims of this period.

  2. Form teams of 4 people.

  3. One person in each group will choose one aspect of the planning of the memorial to complete.

  4. Each person will investigate his/her part, using the links and completing  the specific tasks for the role.

  5. Each member will complete the information tables for his/her aspect of the planning in order to organize the information and be able to share and collaborate with other group members.

  6. After researching  the links, discuss your conclusions as a group and agree on a model for the memorial.

  7. Make a model of the memorial (at least 10" high and three dimensional), include a written dedication for the memorial, attach a picture or photograph of the site of the memorial and explain why this is an appropriate location, and include an invitation with the date and place of the dedication ceremony and the names of three important guests who will speak and the reasons why they are important speakers.


Person 1  

location of the memorial

Person 3  

written dedication

Person 2


 physical representation of the memorial

Person 4 


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Each person in the group needs to complete his/her part of the process and each one will receive an individual grade for this work.

In addition, the group will receive a grade for the final product (a model of the memorial) and the oral presentation of the proposal, as well as for collaboration as a group. 

Read the rubric for the final product.

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You have learned about a difficult period in the history of Argentina. Do you think that it would be a good idea to build a memorial for the disappeared? Should the OAS or another international organization be in charge of this?

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Credits and References

The movie "La Historia Oficial" ("The Official Story"), directed by Luis Puenzo, inspired me to create this lesson in order to  educate students  in the United States about the abuses of human rights that occurred in the past and continue to occur in Latin America.

A lesson about the movie created by Amanda Macandrew of Montgomery County Public Schools also inspired me.

Graphic elements:
Animated flags from: Animation Factory   www.animfactory.com
Disappearing title: Flash file converted to animated gif by M. Giangrasso mike@cprnetwork.com

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S. Casarez
Gaithersburg HS
based on a template of  The WebQuest Page